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Case Studies


Infor SyteLine
Forkardt Upgrades Easily with Infor SyteLine ERP

Forkardt supplies a wide-range of workholding solutions to a diversified manufacturing market.Utilizing the combined strengths of Forkardt, N.A. Woodworth, Logansport, SP, and Sheffer Collet, Forkardt has the product and experience necessary to meet the needs of today’s intricate designs and stringent quality requirements. As a world leader in engineered workholding
solutions, Forkardt has facilities in Europe, North America, and China, as well as representation in South America, India and Japan. Forkardt takes pride in working closely with its customers in providing quality products and ongoing satisfaction.

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Facts at a glance...


ERP, Business Intelligence


Infor™ SyteLine ERP, EPAK, Credit Card Module, Workbench Suite & Data Collection


Metalworking Machinery and Equipment


Michigan, USA


  • Consistently meet the stringent quality requirements and
    intricate designs necessary to lead the industry.
  • Compete on a global scale while meeting each
    individual customer requirement with a personal touch.
  • Integrate critical applications and systems.
  • Increase customer satisfaction.
  • Improve data access throughout the enterprise.


  • Gained real-time visibility into data across the
    enterprise, improving decision-making ability.
  • After two decades of successful use, Forkardt
    updated again in 2012 and added additional
    components to further strengthen their business.
  • Anticipate cost savings and ROI with newly
    implemented features and add-ons.
  • Easily integrated Infor SyteLine with other critical
    Forkardt applications.
  • Experienced improved customer satisfaction.

“Our former business management software solution was not well-supported. Through an acquisition, we inherited SyteLine ERP and integrated it into our entire operation, going from three databases to one. That was nineteen years ago.”

Chris Brown, Business Unit Manager, Forkardt

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