Guided selling increases sales, accuracy, & customer satisfaction.

CPQ offers a powerful sales to manufacturing visual. Available as a standalone CPQ product or integrated with your ERP solution.

Because of Industry 4.0’s demand for highly customizable products in the quickest and most accurate way possible, Godlan has created a toolkit that meets, and then exceeds, these capabilities.

Integrating World Leading Systems:

Over 4400 Customer Service Hours Saved Per Year

CPQ that’s responsive to the market’s demands.

Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ) is a software especially helpful for manufacturers in meeting the demand of customization of today’s industry.


Clients and customers want to meet the needs of the public, to be responsive to the market’s demands rather than determining what to offer the market. CPQ provides a set of tools to make this customization possible.


100% accurate configured engineered solution.

  • Multi-currency support
  • Discounting rules and workflows
  • Bill of material & option based pricing


Customize key aspects of your sales process.

  • Streamline document generation automation
  • Streamline approvals

Let the statistics speak for themselves.


of buyers point to product images as the most influential factor in purchasing decisions.


of B2B buyers define their needs on their own before engaging.


of B2B buyers identify specific solutions before reaching out.


higher online conversion rates while using CPQ.

What do you get with CPQ?

Intuitive Product Configuration Engine

Meeting the demands of the market now means customization and data-backed configurations. CPQ uses data to create action plans that dynamically address all aspects of the product order to streamline the process. This includes eliminating potential errors and simplifying intricacies. Then sharing this information out to any user, on any device.

Dynamic Bill of Materials and Routings

Similar to meeting customer needs in creating an order, CPQ also constructs the billing process accordingly. This is to reduce the one-size-fits-all payment model and ensure fair requests are made. The dynamic bill of materials and routings makes sure that highly variable products are created with cost-effectiveness in mind.

Multichannel Quoting and Ordering System

To meet the demands of customization and individualization of Industry 4.0, CPQ provides a way to design orders and quotes and collect data to be used when identifying patterns for future orders.

Front-End Solution with Integration to eCommerce

Unity is created between the manufacturer and the customer by making data accessible in the CPQ interface. Visuals are used to establish these connections and communicate them to a wide audience.

Let your customers view the item in real time via augmented reality!

Just scan the QR code (or click on the button below from your mobile device) and see the item in your space.

Sales is hard. Quoting should be easy.

From meeting the demands of highly customizable products like specialty vehicles to fulfilling more straightforward needs like HVAC products, CPQ provides a way of configuring it all.

Ready to Schedule a Demo? Have Questions?

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